Daisy-Jo Bear has always been an author at heart, but doing the important job of raising 5 children in beautiful Western Australia had to come first. After making up stories night after night, year after year, Daisy-Jo received inspiration for this story in a dream! She knew right away that this one needed to be told.Combining her love of children, animals and the environment, she shows compassion and love for the world we live in.
Daisy-Jo hopes that children around the world will be inspired by the Green Fairy and take up her cause.
She also hopes that her book will one day be outdated! Imagine future generations saying “I don’t understand, what is single-use plastic and why was it in our seas?”
Now that would be amazing!

Spooky Spoons Publishing
Presents Daisy Jo Bear
Daisy Jo Bear has always been passionate about writing and storytelling. They describe themself as a curious Author who loves exploring different themes and motifs. As part of their writing process, they love immersing themselves in their projects—diving headfirst into the research, production, and fine-tuning of the stories they feel are the most worthy of telling.
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